Monday, February 14, 2011

What will high school be like for the next generation? (Section 09)

In class today we discussed if the current education system is in need of some sort of reform. Your intitial answer was, of course, based on your personal experience. Whether or not you believe some sort of reform is needed or not a new question that arises is that of what will high school be like for the next generation? Will high school and the education system remain the same or will they both be vastly different from what we experienced?

In writing your response please refer to any of the selected readings (the education essays), Ken Robinson's "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" speech/video personal experience. Be sure that you fully explain your position. You may refer to the essay that we are currently writing in class, as well.

All responses are due by 7:30 AM on 2/16/11.


  1. School education will be the same for the next generation to come. What we experince now is what the next generation will do, the only thing that could possibly change is the method or way to the soultion. Like in math thiers more than one way to get the answer. Ken Robinson's speech was very good. Even though he talked about creativity, education is still going to be knoweldge taught by a teacher out of a textbook. So in the end education will be the same for the next generation and the generation that will follow it. Dont fix it if its not broke and thats how the DOE looks at education and why it wont be change any time soon.

  2. I believe that the education for the next generation will be the same as the education we are recieving now. Overall, the education system we have now is not broken, it just may need a few adjustments. Ken Robinsons's speech suggested that schools needed more creativity incorporated in the system, and I completely agree with his opinion. Students should be given more options in school that allow them to hone their creative skills and expand them to their fullest potential. Creativity should be encouraged at an early age, not looked down upon. Whether schools choose to change the way they run things is entirely up to them. Many have already argued for reforms in schools, not just Mr. Robinson. An article by Francine Prose "I Know Why The Caged Bird Cannot Read" also discusses some changes that are needed to be made in classrooms. Overall, it's not really easy to predict what high school will be like for the next generation, but it would be nice to see some changes done. I believe that changes should be made, but it's not up to my jurisdiction to make these changes. I highly doubt though that school will be any different from how it is now. As Nick C. mentioned, the system isn't broken, so why would any changes need to be made in order to fix it.

  3. I do believe that schools will be the same for the next generation. I highly doubt that the board of education will change an educational system that has proved to be so successful to most people. I disagree with Julieta with what she said about what she said that schools should offer more options to students to bring out their creativity. I disagree because there are in fact many schools that provide classes for students to bring out their talents it is the student who must choose whether in fact they want to enroll in it or not. For example there is Frank Sinatra for students who like singing, dancing and musicals. I disagree also with Ken Robinson's speech because he states that schools kill the students creativity. I believe that teachers teach what is in the curriculum because those things have been taught and helped many people succeed for many years now. Therefore this system that has worked for generations will be kept as it is.

  4. I believe that school education will vastly change because as time goes on new people will find new and possibly better ways to change to schools education system. New teachers will find a better way to teach their students, New board of education workers will find new ideas, and the students will possibly find a better way to learn. The education system will in no doubt change but i think it all depends on time.

  5. High School will be different for the next generation. It will be different because at time goes on, the education system changes and new thing are being thought in the other grades before us. The high school you go to also depends on what you want to do. School will definitely be different next generation. Every year, the board of education changes something. I bet that the kids younger than us are being thought the same things we learn now. They change the english regents and mad it shorter. Also school offers different courses than other school. The education system vastly needs to change and i think it is changing because kids are thought different things depending on the school you go to. According to Ken Robinson's speech on school kills creativity, i totally disagree with what he had to say. School does not kill creativity because the school we go to is for engineering, architecture, and construction management. so we are going to learn about those things and apply it to the classes we have. We have computer arts and hands on training and that is creativity in our education system. IT only depends on the school you go to. Also, classes and school cannot be so creativity meaning you play in class or have fun because learning that way is hard. Teachers teach what is in the curriculum and it has work with the classes before us. Creativity is not killed in school because different schools teach different than other schools and it is how the teacher wants to teach you. The education system will change for the next generation because they are taught differently than we are taught. They experience new ways of teaching and are taught new things that will benefit then.

  6. ANDRE you got the wrong section :p you are the one under this one. FAIL!

  7. I believe that the education system will change in the future because of what Ken Robinson said in his speech. The schools need tyo change becasue if they continue to crush the creativity that we have then we will end up have no creative inspiration at all. when all that craetive inspiration is depleted then who would come up the inovations that we all need in order to become succussful in life and to help better mankind. if the schools were to change the way that they teach in the future, it would benefit the students because it would give them something that they can go back on as a stress reliever or as to make a iving off of due to hidden talents.

  8. Education for the new generation relies on the changes that should be made in this current generation. Current education is described as being black and white in reference to what Ken Robinson said in his video. Majority of schools limit their students to what they offer so that they don't know what they really want to pursue as their career when they get older. Because of this students are left in black and white world where they are limited to what they can choose. Not all schools do this. Some schools let their students be creative and offer a wide range of studies and career choices so that students are able to recognize their hidden talents.The United States have a reputation of being the best country in the world in government, military etc. Our education system compared to all the countries around the world is average. (according to "Its an absolute wake up call for America -U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan". This is why education reform is needed. The next generation education is heavily relying on this generation changes or ideas.

  9. I think that our school system should change because I dont like the way we learn. The school should help us by giving us jobs and more after school cources of our liking. We should have the ability to pick the classes we want that will help us. Every one still has their own way of learning and their opinion on education. School do need to let us be more creative, but I think that the schools are limited to what the want, maybe money wise. So in the future, it will change. Far from now. I think that schools do kill creative, refering to Ken Robinson's "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" but only because some kids dont care about what they are learning. They just want to get the day over with and somethng has to change. So I think its more of the kids fault for not wanting to learn, kids who dont care and misbehave in class. Education reform is needed but it is too late now, I think that the new generation will be the lucky ones.

  10. The next generation will experience many changes compared to our school education. Regardless of what happens things will always change. For example, regents, rules, regulations, etc.; but the main purpose of school will remain as is because they can’t change the main idea of school. There will always be a time where children will come to school to learn. The basic principals might change a little bit but it will still be a copy of out school and education. In my opinion school needs change not to much but just enough so that the students have a little bit more freedom and many more choices. According to Ken Robinson's speech on school he repetitively says “school kills creativity.” In my opinion I believe that schools do not kill creativity and actually encourage it depending on the teacher. In our school we major on many things. We major in engineering, and if you didn’t like it then they have the option to leave. They help us a lot and you can’t just say they kill creativity. Our school try’s to get us ready for the real life and so far they have done an ok job. They can improve but it can always be worst.

  11. i believe that as time changes and things progress as will the education systm. Nothing in life stays the no matter what. As our world is becoming so advanced in technology and in many other ways our education might have to change as well. on the other hand education might also stay with the same system but might change certain things in schools.for example the constant testing from the 3rd grade or the no child left behind law that affects student who are being pushed further and further along with little or no progress. Hence, I do believe that as the next generation proceeds there will be changes in the education system whether it be withthe subject areas we learn or the just the system itself.

  12. This is what I believe. Despite the fact that education reform is needed, education for the next generation will be quite similar to education in the current generation. The only difference will be the updating and implementation of technology in schools as technology keeps innovating and advancing. As far as what is taught in the curriculum, that will not change, and technology will not change that either. It has been said that the current education system has worked for so long. Education leaders are afraid of change, and one can understand their reasoning; if there was great succession for a long time, you wouldn't want to mess up by changing a critical part of the system in an attempt to make it better. That is what I think is in their minds as we speak...

  13. The education system hasn't changed since it was created. It has remained the same, learn what we teach you, system. The school system will definitely not change in many years to come because regardless of the lack of opportunities within the school system, it hasn't really been proved to hurt a lot of people's education. Since no one can say the school system needs a complete reboot because there is no proof that students are all being mentally destroyed by our school system. Different education programs have been tried, such as in the 7th essay we read,"A Model for High Schools." This essay spoke about taking the children that left the original education system, as in drop outs and flunkies, and putting them in a separate facility together. They were taught about what they liked to learn about, each lesson was personalized, and it was a success. Sadly, this success is still not enough to allow a full change to the public education system, but it provides hope for those seeking knowledge and that have had difficulties with the public school system.

  14. I believe that the education system does need to be reformed. Schools are only teaching us how to be good at major subjects. We don't need to be good at those subjects. The reason we go to school is so we can get jobs and be successful. From what I learned in school i have no idea what its like to have a job or how to keep a job. Another issue is that its proven that people learn better when they are interested. however we are all forced to learn the same thing and if we dont do it we are punished with bad grades

  15. I doubt the education system is planning on reforming any time in the near future. It has done its job of teaching us, but only what the system believes children should be taught. This prevents children from blossoming their talents in the more artistic forms of expression, such as music and painting. In Ken Robinson's speech "Do Schools Kill Creativity?", he states that all the system does is breed university professors. This is very true, because it is hard to find practical uses for many of the courses we take besides simply teaching it to the next generation. On the other hand, people have grown to become a part of a variety of different careers, so it is difficult to blame the education system alone for hindering children's creativity. Even with this system in place, we can still grow up to become whatever it is we like if we so choose and work towards it. Schools will not likely change in the next generation from its previous because even if it may not help nurture talents in anything, but academics, artistic minds have still been able to reach success and will continue to do so.

  16. The education system will not change for the next generation. In rhe years before us students have learned the same thing. When the board of ed changes something its minor. Changing a regents isnt changing the education system like the english regents. Generations before us have laerned the same thing we have. The Board of ed thinks that these subjects are the most important and people fail to see that there may be gifted students. When a student only learns the 4 major subjects they dont get to use their talents. For exanmple in Ken Robisions video " Do Schools Kil Creativity?" , the girl couldnt stand still and the doctor realized her amazing talent of dancing and she became successful and a multimillonare. Imagine ig nobody saw this talent she would have been miserable. The education system will not change the people 10 years ago learned the smae stuff as us. The education system needs to change to see peoples taleants and teach people differntly because everybody has a diffent learning style. People think that the four major subjects is what is going to help you in life and that becomes your career but fail to see that there is also many talent students losing the oppurtunity because they are denied of it in school.

  17. With the vastly expanding technological achievements that have been achieved within the period of a few years, the educational system will undergo some type of reform. Ken Robinson's, "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" reveals the necessity to introduce creative aspects into the learning environment, and allow children to express themselves. For example, with the introduction of the "SmartBoard", kids are able to go up in front the class and draw and interact with the lesson the teacher is teaching. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his lierary work, "Education", mentions that inspiration and guidance is the most applicable substance to provide youth with the education they greatly require. Since people like Emerson, Francine Prose- a critic who commented on the literary pieces teens were mandated to read in school in "I Know Why The Caged Bird Cannot Read"-, and Leon Botstein all criticized the current state of our educational system, it is an imminent anomaly where our educational system will reach reform. When enough people complain, other people have to do something to make them stop.

  18. I believe that the education system will change by the next generation. The education system currently has left America falling way behind in education around the world. I believe this is what will cause the government to rethink our education system. For example in "A Model For High Schools" by David S. Broder, Broder says "The Gateway experiment suggests that even for the hardest cases-teenagers with few credits,low grade-point-averages, and a host of personal problems-the challenge of a tough curriculum, backed by skillful teaching in small classes and plenty of personal counseling, can be a path to success." I imagine an education through the process indicated by Broder's quote would be the kind of change our education should have. More one on one time between a student and teacher is what the education system needs to succeed, not have 30+ students where only half the class actually speaks.

  19. The generation to come, meaning your children or grandchildren, high school will be very different from what it is today. I can tell because slowly already, the system is changing. It isn’t a drastic change at once. Think about it, your parent’s high school education was different from yours. Yes, the curriculum may be the same, but the details in the curriculum were probably more complex than today because a lot of unnecessary information was given today, and we use formulas today. Furthermore, I feel education will be different in high school due to technology. Technology in 2011 already makes the world go around. Other innovations will be made, leading to more advancements and changes for the better. Such as the program Watson, a computer that thinks on its own, similar to a robot. Watson was invented so it comes up with the answers just like that. I feel that in the next generations to come programs and systems like Watson will be generated. High school would also be different because each generation embraces a new thing. Maybe the importance of technology will be so drastic that a whole class will be needed just for that. High school is needed in our lives because it helps us prepare for college and over time I feel high school will be easier for the future generations. Technology makes the world run mad and because of this, “robots” maybe developed in order to think on a further level rather letting the humans study this. All in all, it is fair for me to say that looking back at my parent’s generation school was harder, due to lack of technology; school is bearable for us because we have technology, and the generation to come will have ENOUGH technology to think above and beyond. We can see that technology will make school easier. For instance, maybe laptops instead of notebooks, smart boards instead of chalkboards and advancement in computer programs. I feel it kind of is a proven face that the generation to come may have it easier than we do, but I guess it certainly is just the circle of life.

  20. I believe that our schools really need to be reformed and our high schools will change in the next generation. I think there is need for reform. Schools are depriving children of their potential by focusing on basic subjects, and thus they cannot show their true talents off or grow in their talents because they're being limited. Ken Robinson in his "Do Schools Kill Creativity" speech says that our education system has gotten students afraid of making mistakes, if you aren't prepared to be wrong, you can't create nothing original. If the education system continues the way it is, America won't move up drastically as a country so soon the government will see how the way our education system is made is taking a toll on America as a whole and they will reform our education system.

  21. I certainly believe that the current education system is not in need of some sort of reformation. As generations go by, the school’s education curriculum will still be the same. Ken Robinson’s speech describes how our schools need a few alterations pertaining to more creativity and originality in students. The excuse of kids holding back their talents because it wasn’t offered in the school is invalid. There are numerous schools in our city and around the country that offer certain programs that might suit your talent or skill. It is impossible for a high school or any school to uphold every program in the education curriculum. New things get learnt and taught everyday so that creativity could be carried out to everyone who is willing to hold it. We the students so endure in the original major subjects like math, English, science and history but we still get to analyze and view different areas of education in an organized matter. The way we interpret the knowledge and use it to our benefit is the unique part of our creative side. By training the students to properly prepare for assignments and to apply critical thinking, also helps us to get a true education

  22. In my opinion, I agree with Ken Robinson in the area in which schools kill creativity. Most schools, like our own, do not offer art class or music class like other schools do. Not having these classes eliminates the possibilities for students with undiscovered talent to rise and become successful. However, I also believe that the school system is doing a good job so far because it teaches us the basic and complex forms of the four main subjects. They also teach us to expand our thinking and develop better skills in the real world. The schools might need some change, but if the student really wants to pursue another interest outside of school they should make an effort and not wait for the schools to feed it to them. Take me for an example, I always loved playing soccer and since elementary school there were never any soccer programs. Yet I am currently playing soccer since I was 3 because i never gave up I took out time to look for a team myself. So its actually up to the student to make the extra effort. Now, my opinion on whether high schools will stay the same, no. There will always be someone who will stick out from the rest and come up with another solution to a problem or have a new method or thought. So in the future, there will be constant change in the school systems regardless of the time period.

  23. I believe that reforms are needed with in the educaton system. I feel that the education system is not allowing student to reach their highest potential. Because of this lack of opportunity to perform at full potential student will ask that the way High schools are run be changed. I believe that the new generation will experience high school vastly different from how we experienced it.

  24. I believe every year there is something that is going to be different. The teachers and staff all work together to make the working environment for students to be easier and enjoyable. Not only do teacher want their students to learn but I’m pretty sure the teachers want to teach their students and want them to enjoy what they are learning. So, because of that every generation will be different there is always a change every year. It can be minor or big either way change is change. So I think in the next generations there will be a change. In school some students are taking AP courses and for some it’s challenging for other it’s not, in the future these classes could and maybe will get harder and harder and as time progresses this shows that the education we are receiving is preparing our selves little by little for college. I don’t think that it would be vastly different I think the education for years will be the usual courses that we take now. For example, I believe in the education system that math, science, history, etc will all stay the same. Either way I think it is going to change but not drastically because when my mom went to high school she learned the same curriculum that I am learning but not at the same level, just easier. So I believe as time progresses it is going to become harder and harder but still the same just at a different level. I also agree with Aminah how technology does effect out educations system because if you think about it back in the day when our parents were in high school they didn’t have the same materials that we had which was computers and stuff, and having this technology we are more advanced with our studies because it makes life easier for us when we need to search something. If technology progresses, the next generations will have it even more easily but they will be more advanced than how we are now in high school. Referring to Ken Robinson’s speech in the time period now I don’t believe that schools kill creativity because of the fact that we live in New York, in New York we have so many high schools that have plenty of programs and classes that you would actually like and take in consideration. It is up to you as a student to choose the high schools you want to go to. In other words, someone who doesn’t like construction, you can’t complain that your school is killing your creativity because of the fact that you’re old enough to know what you like and if you don’t like construction then there are plenty of schools in New York that offers classes that you might be interested in. For example. Art, there are a lot of art schools, how Edwin said it all depends on the effort of the student. So in the end I think the education system will reform slowly and the next generation’s education system will be different from ours but not so drastic just minor changes.

  25. This thread is now closed. I appreciate everyone who posted their responses in a timely manner. You guys are awesome!
