Wednesday, May 11, 2011

College Essay Brainstorming Assignment #1 (All Sections)

Good evening to all,

My apologies for not posting yesterday. As I told some of you, I went out to see a Korean film at the TriBeca Cinemas called Encounter. It's a very cool, mystery type noir about two people.

As I'm sure you all read the title, we are beginning the college essay writing process. I will provide more information about this in class next week, but in the meantime I am asking all of you guys to prepare a list of your individual qualities and traits that make you stand out from the crowds of sheep out there. The college application process is reflective in the sense that you have to look at yourself and see what helps you to be more qualified for college than the rest of your competition.

That being said. please follow the following steps I am listing:
  1. Sit down at your desk in your homes and open a note a book
  2. Using a pen begin to make a list of your qualities and traits 
  3. Think about what helps you be a better student
  4. Ask yourselves to think about the following: What aspects/qualities of your life have helped you find success in school and any other ventures (activities, clubs, jobs, responsibility roles, athletics, etc) that have had a positive role in school, in your development as an individual and have prepared you for success in college. 
  5. Write down everything that comes to mind.
  6. Save that paper and bring it to class next Wednesday (May 17th, 2011).

That's all.

Remember to also read chapter 3 in The Great Gatsby for Monday (May 16th, 2011). Expect some sort of writing assessment covering chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the book on Monday.



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